bm|t Office Manager Wiebke Kutscher

bm|t Office Manager Wiebke Kutscher

Since Novem­ber 2018 Wiebke Kutscher is the Assis­tant to the Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of bm|t. She com­pleted her com­mer­cial appren­tice­ship at Bosch Ther­motech­nik GmbH in the period 2005–2008. After­wards she was Assis­tant to the Pur­chas­ing Depart­ment of Bosch Solar Energy AG from 2009–2013. In 2013 she moved to Bosch Sil­i­con Trad­ing GmbH where she worked as an assis­tant to the man­age­ment and also as Clerk until Octo­ber 2018.