January, 2 2020 A strong 2019 for bm|t´s Investee-Partners

In 2019, bm|t´s Investee-Part­ners raised over 85.5 Mio. EUR of equity and mez­za­nine cap­i­tal. This marks the fourth year in a row with over 40 Mio. EUR invest­ment in bm|t´s Investee-Part­ners. The invest­ments in 2019 were spread broadly across 23 com­pa­nies, includ­ing 10 new bm|t Investee-Part­ners. Funds man­aged by bm|t invested 19.5 Mio. EUR, and co-investors invested about 66 Mio. EUR in a total of 30 invest­ment rounds. 2019, although not quite as active as 2018, was another strong year for bm|t and our Investee-Part­ners. The invest­ments and co-investors con­tin­ued to be of excel­lent qual­ity, and we at bm|t are quite pleased with the results of the past year,“ com­mented Kevin Reeder, bm|t´s CEO. With 10 new Investee-Part­ners and three sucess­ful exits in 2019, bm|t now has 59 Investee-Part­ners across its eight funds. With the fourth con­se­qutive year of strong invest­ment activ­ity, it is clear that bm|t and the entire invest­ment ecosys­tem in Thürin­gen have made great strides over the last years. Thürin­gen has been dis­cov­ered by more pri­vate and insti­tu­tional investors as an attrac­tive loca­tion for invest­ment. We at bm|t are proud to play our part in this excel­lent devel­op­ment and to be ful­fill­ing our mis­sion of strength­en­ing Thüringen´s econ­omy through tar­geted invest­ments in inno­v­a­tive growth com­pa­nies,“ con­cluded Mr. Reeder.

About bm‑t

Erfurt-based, bm‑t beteili­gungs­man­age­ment Thürin­gen (bm|t) – a sub­sidiary of the Thürin­gen Devel­op­ment Bank, is the first address for invest­ments in Thürin­gen, Ger­many. bm‑t cur­rently man­ages eight invest­ment funds with a total vol­ume of 320M EUR. bm‑t invests in inno­v­a­tive com­pa­nies with strong growth poten­tial across all sec­tors and all phases of the cor­po­rate life­cy­cle. www.bm‑t.com