May, 9 2018 InflaRx raises another $ 63 Mio in primary shares

InflaRx and cur­rent share­hold­ers placed $ 117,3 Mio. of shares, with $ 63 Mio. as pri­mary shares with the pro­ceeds going to InflaRx and $ 54 Mio. as sec­ondary shares with the pro­ceeds going to early share­hold­ers, who all remain invested in InflaRx

The NASDAQ listed com­pany, InflaRx NV (Nas­daq: IFRX) from Jena informed the mar­kets of a pri­mary and sec­ondary share place­ment in total of $ 117,3 Mio. $ 63 Mio. worth of shares were sold as pri­mary shares with the pro­ceeds going to InflaRx and $ 54 Mio. worth of shares were sold by exist­ing share­hold­ers as sec­ondary shares. All sell­ing share­hold­ers remain invested in InflaRx.

InflaRx devel­ops ther­a­pies for the treat­ment of inflam­ma­tion-related mal­adies, which tar­get the com­ple­ment sys­tem, a key com­po­nent of the body´s nat­ural immune sys­tem. InflaRx intends to use the pro­ceeds from the cap­i­tal raise to finance the fur­ther clin­i­cal devel­op­ment of its lead can­di­date IFX‑1, which is cur­rently in Phase IIb.

The ther­apy is being tri­aled on patients with mod­er­ate to advanced Hidradeni­tis Sup­pu­ra­tiva (HS), which is a painful and chronic inflam­ma­tory skin dis­ease with cur­rently lim­ited treat­ment options. Fur­ther­more, the com­pound is going to be tested in two phase II tri­als for addi­tional auto-immune and inflam­ma­tion indications.

bm|t beteili­gungs­man­age­ment Thürin­gen GmbH is proud to have been the lead investor in InflaRx since day one.