28. Januar 2009 Analytik Jena AG plans to increase its capital

Finan­cing fur­ther growth during sus­tained posi­tive busi­ness development
Jena – Ana­ly­tik Jena AG (ISIN DE 000 521 3508) is plan­ning to place up to 395,000 shares in the form of a capi­tal increase. Fol­lo­wing share­hol­der appr­oval at the mee­ting on March 21, 2007, the manage­ment board of Ana­ly­tik Jena AG deci­ded on Janu­ary 28, 2009 to increase the regis­tered capi­tal of the com­pany. As of today, the super­vi­sory board have given their appr­oval. The capi­tal increase is in line with the aut­ho­ri­sa­tion reso­lu­tion at the mee­ting of share­hol­ders, with the exclu­sion of the share­hol­der option. Ana­ly­tik Jena has com­mis­sio­ned Bank­haus Neelmeyer to manage the transaction.
The issue price has been set at 6.32 euros per share. The new shares have been pla­ced with bm‑t betei­li­gungs­ma­nage­ment thü­rin­gen gmbh, which alre­ady holds a large equity stake in Ana­ly­tik Jena AG, and this expan­ded com­mit­ment will ensure that Ana­ly­tik Jena has a robust capi­tal struc­ture both through insti­tu­tio­nal as well as pri­vate inves­tors. The pro­ceeds from the capi­tal increase will be used to finance the con­tin­ued growth of the com­pany, in par­ti­cu­lar its acti­vi­ties in the Asian mar­ket and the bio-tech­no­logy sector.

Press contact

Ana­ly­tik Jena AG
Mario Voigt
Kon­rad-Zuse-Str. 1
07745 Jena
T +49 3641 77–9281
F +49 3641 77–9149
