Senior Investment Manager Sebastian Knedlik

Senior Investment Manager Sebastian Knedlik

Sebas­t­ian Kned­lik joined bm|t as an Invest­ment Man­ager in 2008. Before that, he worked in the cor­po­rate finance divi­sion of BHF-BANK in Frank­furt work­ing on cap­i­tal mar­ket trans­ac­tions. Mr. Kned­lik worked in the Equity Cap­i­tal Mar­kets divi­sion of Deutsche Bank ear­lier in his career, directly after com­plet­ing his appren­tice­ship pro­gram. Mr. Kned­lik stud­ied at the Frank­furt School of Finance & Man­age­ment and Sheffield Hal­lam Uni­ver­sity and obtained a degree in Busi­ness Administration.
  • Man­u­fac­tur­ing industries/Industry
  • Green­Tech
  • Auto­mo­tive